UNISON accredited photographers may be taking pictures of the main debates, fringe meetings and other public areas at all UNISON conferences. These photographs may be used in the union’s publications for members or on our website, social media sites eg. Facebook and Twitter, to promote the union. If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed:-
- refuse if you are approached for an individual photograph or video interview
- sit in the identified ‘no filming zone’ whilst in the conference hall
- if you speak in a debate inform Rostrum Control you do not wish to be filmed
If you are planning to use a camera at conference (with or without voice recording) for the purposes of using the images and/or sound on behalf of the union, whether employed by UNISON or as an activist who may be using the image in a branch, regional or sector newsletter:-
- always ask an individual for their consent and explain the use of the picture
- when it involves a large group – images of a delegation or the whole of the conference floor etc – you clearly cannot seek individual permissions. Instead, a statement will be posted at conference explaining that the event will be photographed/filmed and individuals who object will be told who to speak to in order to resolve their concerns