Making UNISON conferences a healthy and safe environment
UNISON has in place a health and safety policy which applies to all the activities that it undertakes, including the organisation and administration of all its conferences.
UNISON is committed to its responsibility to provide delegates, sharers, visitors, and staff to conferences with a healthy and safe environment. UNISON will comply with all health and safety statutory requirements and codes of practice, as well as our own policies and procedures.
To fulfil its commitment to ensuring that our conferences are healthy and safe environments UNISON works closely with representatives of its staff, venue management, contractors and all service providers. In the event of any health and safety issues and problems arising, these should be directed immediately to a member of staff or raised direct with the conference information desk.
Throughout conference UNISON continually monitors the venue and its environs, often in conjunction with a staff health and safety representative, to maintain and ensure a healthy and safe environment.
Accidents/injuries/near misses
Please report any accidents/injuries/near misses to the conference information desk, where they will be recorded on an incident form or in the accident book. Where appropriate, these will be investigated, and the necessary remedial action will be undertaken.
Evacuation procedures
A pre-recorded message will be played before the start of conference each day, with a summary of the evacuation procedures detailed on a large screen. Please take time to familiarise yourself with this information.